How to invite additional users to my FastReporter 3 account using TestFlow

Applies to

FastReporter 3 version 3.9 and earlier TestFlow


Prior to version 3.10 of FastReporter 3, when you start a FastReporter 3 (FR3) trial, or when you purchase a number of FastReporter 3 licenses, you create a TestFlow/FR3 account. In both cases (trial and/or purchased licenses) you may want to invite additional users so that they can have full access to Fastreporter 3. This article explains the process and procedure.

NEW Information - January 2023

  • You can now access a free "full version" of FastReporter 3. All you need to do is update to, or download FastReporter 3 version 3.10 or later. When you sign in, you have the option of creating an EXFO Exchange account which will give you access to a full version of FastReporter 3.
  • Consult this article " Get started with FastReporter 3.10 and over " as part of the EXFO Exchange's user documentation for the full procedure.
  • For more information on EXFO Exchange, you can visit

IMPORTANT: TestFlow account and FastReporter 3 account are the same account. You use the same username and password to log into FastReporter 3 and TestFlow. However, to the account you use for downloading software from the EXFO website is different. Please visit  Explaining the different EXFO accounts for more information.

Procedure to follow

The below diagram summarizes the process of inviting users to your FR3/TestFlow account. Below the diagram you will find a detailed procedure on how to invite a user.

1. Log in to TestFlow at this URL:

2. Log in using your FastReporter 3 /TestFlow credentials

3. If you are associated with more than one account, select the organization account to which you want to invite users. In the example below we have selected the account Test 1.

4. In the Users page, you will see the number of licenses that are currently available in the account. In this case, 4 licenses are available.

5. To invite someone to your account, open the Invite menu, and select New User.

6. Enter the email address of the person that you want to invite, and select the role that you want to assign to that person.

7. To finalize the invitation, select Invite.

8. The invited user will need to accept the invitation, at which time they will be added to your account. The added user will consume one of your available licenses.

NOTE: TestFlow has an extensive on-line help site that can be accessed anytime at the following URL: