How to Display and Capture Power Measurements in Fiber Xplorer with the OX1 Software Version 2.4

Applies to

All OX1 models with software version 2.4



This article provides step-by-step instructions on how to display and capture power measurements using the EXFO OX1 Fiber Xplorer with software version 2.4, released in December 2024.


Step 1 Enabling the power measurement option

Navigate to the settings by selecting the menu icon     and then 


Toggle on the "Power Measurement" to enable capturing your power reading.

setting tab1


Step 2 Display power measurement and capture

Open  fxplore icon from the main menu


Clean and insert your connection you are going to test.

Press the icon icon off   to display the power measurement and receive values


fx tab


Your measurement will display and the icon will change to  dial 2 

To capture the result, select again and the icon will change back to  Dial 1.png and the result is stored.




Now you are able to start your acquisition, once completed your results and power measurement is stored.

