Uploading EX1/10 Speedtest results to Exchange

Applies to

EXFO Exchange, EX1, EX10


The EXFO Exchange platform will support the upload of EXFO EXs Speedtest results from your EX1/EX10 device. 

Note:  In the EXs mobile application, you need to ensure that the Share Format is set as JSON and the EX1 is running at least software version 2.1.53

Note:  In the Exchange Mobile application you need to ensure you are logged in and have selected the workspace you want to upload the Speed test results to.


Procedure to follow

1. In the EX settings ensure the Share Format to JSON

JSON select


2. In the Reports Menu select and slide left on the required Speedtest result. This will open the share icon.



3. From the list of applications which can be shared with, select Exchange (Ensuring that you are logged into the correct Exchange workspace.)

4. The Exchange mobile application will show the selected Speedtest result in the Results menu.


5. Once the Exchange Mobile application is synchronized successfully, the Speedtest result will be available in the appropriate Exchange Workspace on the WebUI.