Applies to
FIP-415B, FIP-425B, FIP-435B
To connect with your FIP probe wirelessly, the Android device will need to connect to your FIP Wi-Fi network. If the ConnectorMax application is not displaying your FIP wireless probe, follow the steps below
Troubleshooting steps
Possible Cause 1: Wi-Fi not connected to FIP
Proposed Solution:
- Enable the Wi-Fi on the Android phone
- Pair using the latest ConnectorMax application (available on Google Play)
- Verify that the FIP Wi-Fi LED is powered on; if not reboot the FIP and check with another device (laptop or EXFO compatible device)
Possible Cause 2: Android Wi-Fi setting
Proposed Solution:
- Open the Wi-Fi settings, press on the ActionMenu (3 dots) and select “Advanced Wi-Fi”
- UNCHECK the “Switch to mobile data; Switch automatically to mobile data when internet in unavailable via Wi-Fi.” setting
- Depending on the Android version, it may be called “Smart network switch
Possible Cause 3: Another Wi-Fi network has connected to your Android phone
Proposed Solution:
- Turn off Auto-reconnect for other wi-fi networks in the area
- This will prevent other networks from reconnecting to your phone, and dropping the FIP