Keeping your OSA20 instrument system software updated

Applies to



Identifying the embedded OS and system version / firmware installed

You should regularly check that your OSA20 has both the latest embedded Windows Operating System and OSA20 system version software installed, particularly if you experience issues with your OSA20, which may be addressed by a fix in a newer OSA system version package (see the associated ReadMe file for details).

To check the software / firmware versions currently installed on your OSA20, do the following:

1. From the OSA20 home window, touch the System button.

2. Touch the More button to access additional system information.

3. Examine the details shown under the PC: section of the screen:

3a. The OS: field displays the currently installed Operating System version.

3b. The GUI: field displays the currently installed OSA20 system version / embedded firmware version.


Guidance for updating OSA20 system software

Operating System updates should be applied first, followed by installing the latest system version / embedded firmware version package if available.

EXFO Product Operating System Guidance for Updates

(Windows 7)

Windows 10

Apply latest Windows Operating System updates.

See: Updating the Operating System Version (Security Updates) section of OSA20 User Guide.

Apply latest appropriate OSA20 system version package.

See: Updating the OSA20 System Version section of OSA20 User Guide.

If you experience issues when attempting to apply system updates, contact the appropriate Technical Support Group.