FastReporter-Test results and characters in report show really small in pdf document

Applies to

FastReporter 3


Information in report created shows very small on pdf report. (See image below)


FastReporter 3


When creating report in FastReporter, when there is a large number of elements or results the application fits it in one page, so the application shrinks the information. The cause is a setting in Excel. 



  1. Open original template : C:\ProgramData\Exfo\FastReporter 3\3.5\ReportTemplate\English\iOLM
  2. Go to File menu->Print
  3. Select “Fit all column in one page
  4. Save File

Note that the part of the path to the template you want to modify in bold (C:\ProgramData\Exfo\FastReporter 3\3.5\ReportTemplate\English\iOLM ) will vary depending on which FastReporter, version and template, you need to modify.